
Friday, March 20, 2015

Happy Friday

I can't believe how fast 2015 is flying by!  I must admit that I am having a hard time finding balance this year.  I changed positions at work and have a lot more responsibility...therefore, my little blog has suffered tremedously!  I promise that I will get it together. 

I'm very much looking forward to a more low key weekend.  Date night with the hubs tonight to celebrate his birthday and then a few small gatherings.  Recovery sounds fantastic and is much needed!!!

Have you struggled to find balance?  I think everyone does and it is a personal preference as to what that looks like.  To me it is spending time with my loved ones while still being driven at work and pushing myself fitness wise (aka races).  I  love my blog, but it is not at the top of my priority list.  So, if I don't have pictures, a great workout, or recipes to share...I'm probably going to skip a post.  I don't want to just post junk to post something.

I appreciate those of you who will stick with me and hopefully enjoy the ride while I get the balance back.

Happy Friday!!  I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!!


  1. Hi Leslie - everyone needs a break now and again, take it! I'll be checking in regularly, so whenever you are ready to come back, I can't wait.
