Thursday, May 1, 2014


Confession: I have never done a confessions post!  This should be fun.  :)

Confession: I wait for my gas light to come on every single time.  AND I drive on it to work and get gas at lunch most of the time.  I used to run my car out of gas often because I would push it so far. 

Confession: I probably had to pee 50 times yesterday from drinking so much water.  I am terrible at hydrating so my body has no idea what to do with all of this water! :)

Confession: When I run-races or just on the trail, I do a plus minus of people I pass and who pass me. Not out loud of course!! 

Confession: I totally feel old when I try to use SnapChat.  I got a message from the app with the new features...and all I could think this morning was..."I don't even know how to use the existing features!!"

Confession: This might be the cutest thing ever and I am totally jealous of this hamster's tiny burrito!!

Do you have any Thursday confessions?


  1. Thank God I'm not the only one who drives with their gas light on! LOL I get the meanest looks from my Hus too if he finds out! AND "the talk"! Haha

    1. "the talk" and "the look" are the worst!! :)
