Sunday, January 12, 2014

Wacky weekend

Pups had a big weekend! First he helped me work from home on Friday.

Then I took him for car ride with the window down so he could see out.

Saturday he was Bobby's helper while they did manly things like fixing electronics. 

He also managed to squeeze in time to chew on the wall. Yep, you read that right...chew on the WALL!!

I'm sorry mom kisses ensued.

I've said this before, but I still mean it. He's lucky he is so darn cute!! I can never stay made at this face.

Bobby and I met friends for a day of basketball and football at a local bar. We had a great group all cheering for various teams. Makes for a fun day! 

Church, family time and lots of outside time today. It was 60+ degrees today. Felt amazing!!! 

I hope everyone is enjoying warmer weather and had a fabulous weekend!

What did you do this weekend?

Did you get a weather warm-up?

What is the weirdest thing your pet has destroyed?

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